Wednesday 1 June 2011

Day 90 - 29th May (Sun)

Need to choose 1 day from week 1 or 2 - Well, I should choose day 1!   I remember feeling I am going to die after skipping - took shower but could not stop sweating...   I am 5kg lighter than that time and I cannot do in 1 go but can do 2000 skips now.

I did "Day 9" - 600 skipping took me only 5 min., looks like I have hurt my left shoulder so other exercise was bit difficult. But I really can feel the difference - 90 day was long but it was great.  90 days sounds long but now I know why we needed 90 days - now I do not miss potato chips or French fries... 

Day 89 - 28th May (Sat)

My body is really complaining - my shoulder, ankle, back - it hurts everywhere!

Day 88 - 27th May (Fri)

went to shopping after work so by the time I finished all the work out, it was already 11pm..   Skipping after the sets are pretty tough...  Well few more days to go....

Friday 27 May 2011

Day 87 - 26th May (Thu)

Food - as I eat lots of veg. for lunch, sometimes I cannot eat my bread (will eat around 6 pm though)

Davinci never be that tough one for me but the super-set was really tough - especially after floor jumps!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Day 86 - 25th May (Wed)

"Failure"for Plank does not work for me as after 30 secs I think I cannot do any more ...  Patrick is expecting us to do more than 1min 45 secs, I believe. 1st one I did 1 min 30 secs but the rest is a lot shorter..   I felt bad so did 7 sets but still not enough...  I am such a "Failure"

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 85 - 24th May (Tue)

I was planning to do skipping in the morning so set alarm at 5:30 am - well, could not make it...

Monday 23 May 2011

Day 84 - 23rd May (Mon)

Someone left huge tray of brownie in the kitchen (office) and left note saying "Help yourself!"
Needed to see "Help yourself ! (Except Mimi!)"   Had half teaspoon size and I could not believe how good it was!   I still haven't had indulgence...  But I do not want to as I did not do any exercise yesterday & I haven't lost enough weight...

30 min on the StairMaster but I think my heart rate is not high enough - did 21 min.of skipping when I got home...

Day 83 - 22nd May (Sun)

Bad weather again...  

I really hate weekends as I get very lazy...   Ended up not doing any exercise...
I only have 1 week to go, I do not have time not to do any exercise!

Day 82 - 21st May (Sat)

Busy day again - problem with electricity & workers came, had to fix transformer in the planter so had to ask for help of gardener - 5-6 people working in the house...

Was waiting for them to finish all to do exercise - then started raining....  

Did sets but no skipping....

Friday 20 May 2011

Day 81 - 20th May (Fri)

TGIF - really want to go home straight...

Lunch was really good - egg plant & bell pepper  pasta + grilled salmon...    Really filling.  I guess I am now having 100g of carb. so may be that is why.   I was so full after having veg and fish yesterday and left my bread for later (had it around 6 pm though)    Like what Patrick said in the video, we do not need that much grain...

Pretty crappy week work wise so I need something to make me happy... 

Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 80 - 19th May (Thu)

Wow - Day 80!   I should be happy but to be honest, it is a bit mixed feeling... 
1.Can I lose bit more weight in 10 days? - I want good result as I have spent 80 days dieting!
2. What is going to happen after PCP - Will I be lazy and get fatter again? - too many temptation in the real world...

My back hurts from all the exercise..  

Day 79 - 18th May (Wed)

Added lots of Indian spices in my omelet - very good!  Who needs salt?

I still cannot do Plank - my abs are fine but my arms & back cannot take 90 secs..

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 78 - 17th May (Tue)

New food menu - it is strange that I had no problem eating 500g of carb for a day & lots of deep fried food but now I see my menu & thinks it is too much!

Breakfast:Carbs-60g  Veg-130g  Protein-1egg  200ml milk
Morning  snack:150g fruit  1egg  white
Lunch:Carbs-100g  Veg-AMAYW  Protein-100g
Afternoon tea:130ml yogurt
Dinner:Carbs-0  Veg-AMAYW  Protein-100g
Evening  snack:150g fruit  200ml milk
After  workout:1egg  white  120ml yogurt

Well, I am getting more food as Patrick is expecting me to do harder exercise. But reality is I still cannot do  pull-ups at all, cannot do proper push-ups, and struggling with bicycle and planks and and...

50 min. on the StairMaster so by the time we wen to bed it was nearly midnight - it is really late for us...

Monday 16 May 2011

Day 77 - 16th May (Mon)

Didn't do any sets yesterday - so have to do it today.  It actually fits better for me as weekday is "work day & work-out day"  Also so much temptation at home - books / TV etc....

Somehow I spent too much time in the gym - checked in at 19:30 and out 21:20 - and i haven't even taken shower...   Was on the StairMaster for 35 min so basically I have spent over 1h to do sets...   Really have to focus & get things done quickly.

Another bad thing was it was so late so we have decided to eat in the club.  I have ordered grilled sardine,, my husband ordered chicken.Thinking not enough veg. so ordered 1 salad as well between 2 of us - side veg. of  my fish was covered with oil & salt, Chicken came with mashed potato.  And really not easy to leave food behind as I am a pig...  Ended up finishing all, really full & feeling guilty !  Well, did not have after-workout-snack (yogurt) and of course no night snack after dinner, still I know it was much more than I should / could have....

Day 76 - 15th May (Sun)

Feeling so tired - may be because of 2 sets of skipping that I did yesterday.  Could not get out of the bed before noon...   Such a waste...  So late breakfast, late lunch, late dinner - half day & no exercise but still full meal...   not good!

Did 21 min. of skipping in the end as I know it would be really tough to catch up tomorrow....

My weight has not changed at all - well, I could back into some of "more recent" clothes but still not the ones from 5-6 years ago...   Long way to go but I put this weight over 6 years, it won't go in 2.5 month.  I have to accept that...

Day 75 - 14th May (Sat)

Day 74 - 13th May (Fri)

Thursday 12 May 2011

Day 73 - 12th May (Thu)

feeling hungry all day - well, I have to eat every 1-2 hour anyway so it is not really problem but before I had to force my self to eat snacks...

May be I should have meat instead of fish as lunch..

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 72 - 11th May (Wed)

Bit hungry in the morning so had milk on the way to the office.  It is 7:45 am and already tarted eating my today's carb - brown rice cakes.  It is dry so it has 70 kcal per 20g piece - that is 210 kcal!  Regular 60g of  cooked brown rice should not have that much.  May be I should not eat all...     that is what I thought but at 9:30, I have finished all... quite full.
Omelet with Okra - I really love okra.  Hope it hasn't too much calorie.  (10:00)
Snack 1 - Grapes & strawberry (avoiding mango these days as it has higher calorie) (11:00)
Lunch - Egg white as my protein as we did not have enough cooked one and could not be bothered to cook last night...   chopped veg (asparagus, mushroom, tomatoes, bell pepper) sauce with pasta. (14:00)

Somehow feeling hungry all day today...

Snack 2 - 190ml cup of yogurt & could not just have 130ml...  will reduce milk from my night snack.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day 71 - 10th May (Tue)

Been very lazy - no blog for a week...   Was going to update yesterday but somehow I could put title but could not post anything... 

Breakfast - asparagus / mushroom omelet, pita bread, yogurt
Snack - grapes, strawberry, egg white
Lunch - pasta & meat sauce
snack 2 - Yogurt
After work out - yogurt
Dinner - bit cheating but we have moved to new menu from dinner. Cod fillet & green beans, okra, mushroom
Night snack - yogurt (could not eat fruits..)

I could not finish lunch carb yesterday but no problem today.  80g of cooked pasta and 80g of dry rye crispbread is prob different in terms of actual carb weight....

Pistol squats - think my knees are complaining after 20 min skipping yesterday.  Did regular squat instead.
Davinci - Failure ...   I am not good at this "Failure" thing.  As i think after 5 times  "Ah, I cannot do any more"...   Well, total 110 times and that is it.

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 70 - 9th May (Mon)

I think my stomach is getting smaller..  I cannot eat all the food that I am supposed to eat.  I was very full after having veg and salmon for lunch so skipped carb.   (was getting bit hungry after 6 pm so had some of the biscuit on the way home)  Did not have anything as evening snack either..

Day 69 - 8th May (Sun)

It was very nice day in Hong Kong but stayed at home.

Skipping in the heat is so difficult - I had to stop after doing 7 min. & jumped in the pool...   Did 10 min more in the afternoon when it got bit cooler.

Day 68 - 7th May (Sat)

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 64 - 3rd May (Tue)

New food menu...  I got my dinner back but I am still not reached my goal - to be back where I was 6 years ago...  My "fat days" jeans is loose but I still cannot be back in my "slim days" dress collection... As my husband is still on Egg White dinner, may be I only have egg white as my dinner protein.  Also, I have to work out harder...

Breakfast - Yogurt (mixing sweet non-fat yogurt with low fat plain one) bread (1 slice of sour dough and 2 slices of brown bread)  Don't really feel like eating anything else now...  will have egg and veg later when my husband gets up.  (08:15)  Scrambled egg & eggplant + zucchini around 10 am
Snack - grapes & strawberry + egg white
 Lunch - meat sauce with brown rice - minced beef has been cooked separately so that I can weigh & discard any fat.  chopped mushroom, onion, parsley, basil all fried then add tin tomatoes.  Brown rice is so dry so add in the sauce. 
Snack 2 - yogurt before going to gym.

Workout - As I skipped the sets on Sunday, did some in the morning then finished with today's sets in the gym.  StairMaster for 30 min. instead of skipping.

New menu - I get to have lots of milk & yogurt  AND got my protein back for dinner!  My husband can have egg white only so may be I will have egg white as my protein for the dinner as well. (When I eat with him only!)

Monday 2 May 2011

Day 63 - 2nd May (Mon)

Working today but very quiet as May Day everywhere and in between holidays in Japan...

Didn't have yogurt in the fridge - so having coffee with milk - more milk than coffee so Latte...
Snack - Kiwi & grapes  + egg white
Lunch - went out as my husband is taking a week off.  Not easy to follow PCP diet when you eat out...   Choose Thai restaurant and had papaya salad - no meat, no carb but I am sure lots of sugar in it...
Snack 2 - Iced Latte
Dinner - Apple.     Really did not feel like having yogurt or milk - really wanted to have carb (as I skipped at lunch time, I believe..  ) Very bad but had 70g of bread.

\Got very lazy and did not do sets... Still thought I really have to do cardio.  Skipping 16 min was surprisingly easy - I think I am used to it and 2h hike in the sun made me strong!

Holiday for 3 days so I can do 2 sets tomorrow...  

Day 62 - 1st May (Sun)

Feeling very tired after the hiking yesterday...

We planned to go to Lamma island and go to seafood restaurant then hike to the other side of the island to take ferry (well, it is small island so 1.5h walk max)
Had small(ish) breakfast, no snack then lunch ... 
Lunch- Well, all seafood but surely using salt & oil. 
no snacks today as we had larger lunch.
Dinner - usual apple & yogurt but no egg (think we had enough protein at lunch)

Will do sets tomorrow....

Day 61 - 30th April (Sat)

Plan for the day - Breakfast at Inter-continental hotel as it has good view, Hiking so that we can do cardio exercise and can show view from the hill, Dinner - got to take guest to at least 1 Chinese restaurant...

Good breakfast - hard to stay away from beautiful looking pastries, Golden brown hash browns...  World is full of temptation.  I had 2 very small piece of brown bread, had 2 eggs as they had Japanese breakfast section - could not choose 1 from "Chawan-mushi" or "Onsen Tamago" so I had both (I am allowed to have only 1 egg for breakfast) so I skipped yogurt. No juice, just coffee for me...  

I really think skinny people naturally choose healthy food.  Brother was having English muffin - WHY ?  They had Almond croissants, Donuts, American chocolate muffins, Pain au chocolat and and and - Lots of great stuff! but still he chose English muffin...

Hiking for 2 hours - was not sunny day but pretty hard!
then gym to do the sets - leaving brother in the bar ...

No snack as we are having large dinner...

Day 60 - 29th April (Fri)

Holiday today!

Got up relatively early ...
Gym - tried to do all the sets quickly - very hard!
Brother in-law will be in Hong Kong tonight so we will have bit naughty food for 2 days...

Thursday 28 April 2011

Day 59 - 28th April (Thu)

I am happy as it is synthetic Friday! Bit hungry in the morning as I did not have my yogurt last night.  I will try and eat everything bit earlier today.

Breakfast - Yogurt before start working, Omelet and bread at 10:00

Just read Patrick's e-mail - I am spending too much time in between sets. And really taking longer rest. Plank is the only 1 thing I can do 60 sec then 15 sec rest then the next.  Other exercise, it is really difficult to do in 1 go... I have to push myself harder...

Snack 2 - egg white, grapes, strawberry (13:00)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 58 - 27th April (Wed)

I could stay in bed bit more...   feeling hungry as I missed night snack last night.

Breakfast - Yogurt to start, then German bread (nice & heavy but only 60g), omelet at 10:30
Snack 1 - Egg white, Mango
Lunch - Salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber) to start, Cod & steamed asparagus as main and pita bread - Cod is great.,..
Snack 2 - Yogurt
Dinner - Coffee with milk & Yogurt before going to gym ...  Half of the yogurt on the way home and apple & egg when we get home.

Really getting late so went to bed & skipped Snack #3

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Day 57 - 26th April (Tue)

Sleepy, Tired & Hungry...

Breakfast - Yogurt, Omelet, half-pita bread...   It is 10:30 and I have just finished breakfast but already hungry.
Snack 1 - Grapes & Strawberry (11:00)  Egg white ( 12:00)
Lunch - Grilled salmon with dill, pasta, boiled green beans, Grilled courgette, Grilled baby red onion - Pretty good.  Herbs & spices can really help if you think your food is boring. (14:30)
Snack 2 - Kiwi, grapes (16:30) - I think I need to get other fruits...   something new
Dinner - Milk before gym, rest after...

Picked up lots of fish & meat so we will have nice lunch tomorrow...

2/3 of the sets and then 30 min StairMaster - rest of the sets at home as running out of time ...   Pistol squat is getting easy - I could not do even once on the 1st day...
Found resistance band in the gym - it is so much stronger than the one that I have at home. I could not do even 1 Davinci - If this is the one I was supposed be using, basically I haven't done any exercise in thees 57 days...   Is that why some guys who finished 90 days PCP got amazing body but I am no where near that ??

Monday 25 April 2011

Day 56 - 25th April (Mon)

New week - World is enjoying Easter Monday but I am working and no hot cross buns or chocolates!

Breakfast - Omelet (Grilled onion, courgette, dill, brown rice) yogurt
Snack 1 - Papaya & grapes
Lunch - Pasta with sliced beef, chopped celery, onion, carrot
Snack 2 - Mango & Grapes
Dinner - Apple, yogurt, egg white
Snack 2 - yogurt, okra

30min on StairMaster, sets from Sunday (as I missed Friday)

Day 55 - 24th April (Sun)

Beautiful day!

Breakfast - mixed non-fat one with my plain low-fat one..  less sweet and very nice.   Grilled asparagus, tomatoes, scramble egg on top of toasted Ciabatta
Snack 1 - Papaya & Grapes
Wanted to go for hiking but had to wait for food delivery..     As usual they have left wrong box, so had to call and get the right box...  Kind of expected but mistake again - 100% of the chance we do not get what we want when we order stuff from Park'n shop- I ordered low-fat yogurt but they have sent me 0% fat.  They always send "whatever" and hoping to get away with it.  If I order onion, always 1 of it is rotten.
Snack 2 - Grapes
Lunch - Moon fish (never heard of but from NZ) and White asparagus
went out around 2 pm, 2h hiking...
Dinner - usual apple, egg white, yogurt

Day 54 - 23rd April (Sat)

Breakfast - Yogurt to start...   Thought I could make "zosui" - Brown rice, lettuce, egg plant, egg in a pot with water ..  was OK.. 
Snack - kiwi & grapes
Lunch - leftover minced duck from last night - I am sure there is some oil in it but we did not have any other protein..   Add brown rice and asparagus then wrapped with lettuce.  Yum - but bit oily...

went to gym as we are getting glued to the sofa.
1h on the StairMaster as I did not do any exercise yesterday..

Snack after gym - grapes

went to shopping for food...   I just cannot believe how expensive fish is - just a slice of salmon costs over HKD 100 (1000 yen)  - should be 300 yen in Japan.

Dinner - Apple (got Japanese one yeah!) egg white, yogurt.  Plain low-fat..

Friday 22 April 2011

Day 53 - 22nd April (Fri)

Breakfast - Yogurt (says non-fat and got sugar in...   that is not what I should be eating...) (07:30) Omelet with mushroom and asparagus, same bread as yesterday. (10:30)
Snack 1 - egg white, strawberry, grapes (13:30)
Lunch - Surprisingly good - was not sure when our helper put tagliatelle and beef slice in the lunch box - usually pasta gets hard and stocks together without oil but was OK after heating up in microwave.
Snack 2 - grapes
Dinner - went out with friend from Tokyo for Chinese dinner ..   Lots of naughty stuff...

No exercise today..  

Thursday 21 April 2011

Day 52 - 21st April (Thu)

Breakfast - Coffee + Milk (07:40-10:00)  Omelet & German bread - was very heavy bread so very small but pretty good, like cake but no sugar (10:15)
Snack - Egg white, grapes, strawberry (13:00)
Lunch - Grilled chicken in Pita (14:15) - ahhhh sick of cold veg - lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes...
Snack 2 - Mango (17:00)
Dinner - Yogurt before gym, egg white & apple at home. 
Snack 3 - Asparagus & tomatoes

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Day 51 - 20th April (Wed)

Breakfast - Had coffee with milk in the morning, quite filling   Had bread and omelet (leek and mushroom) before market re-open (11:30)
Snack 1 - Egg white (around 13:00) /  Fruits (Strawberry and grapes) (around 14:00)
Lunch - Experiment - Ground beef / onion, carrot, celery, brown rice mix stuffed Yellow and Red pepper. Ground beef is cooked well so very lean (I think)  Was going to take picture but completely forgot...   Pretty good!  I only had 30g of ground beef but really full - well, I bet I will be hungry in 1-2 hours... (15:00)
Snack 2 - Papaya (17:00)
Dinner - Yogurt before going to gym. Apple on the way home, Egg white when we got home.
Snack 3 - Asparagus, tomatoes

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Day 50 - 19th April (Tue)

Breakfast - Cold milk with instant coffee on the car.  Mixed veg omelet (red, yellow & green pepper , onion, snow pea) Sour dough bread at 10:10.     Only been 30 min. but already hungry...
Snack 1 - just finished breakfast but soo hungry - having egg white...(11:35)   Grapes and Kiwi (13:00)
Lunch - Smoked salmon Pita sandwich, Prosciutto salad (14;00) - Finally feeling full...    Prosciutto is bit too salty...   My colleague is having pizza next to me...   I am not that big fan of pizza but they do really good one "Paisano's"   My husband is dreaming about their Stromboli...   Well. in 40 days we can have a slice...
Snack 2 - Mango - Mango is great ...  but that is why it has more calorie than other fruits, and that is why I haven't lost much weight compare to my husband...
Picked up HK magazine in the clubhouse - whole HK restaurant is talking about Easter brunch...  
Dinner - Really should have had yogurt before going to gym.  We got home 10 pm, it is too late to have dinner and snack..   Had milk, apple, egg white but didn't have veg snack...

Monday 18 April 2011

Day 48 - 17th April (Sun)

Wow I have slept through without getting up in the middle of the night It was already 11:30..- This is the good side of drinking. 
Didn't feel like doing anything, eating some left-overs from yesterday - That is the bad side of drinking...

We were very bad today - We will be back on track from tomorrow.  Will do the sets tomorrow...

Day 49 - 18th April (Mon)

New day, New week.

We have used up the "Indulgence" on Sat. so I have nothing to look forward except me getting in better shape.  How was my "Indulgence" ? - well, first and second glasses of Champagne was absolutely nice. 3rd & 4th - could have been just water or half soda/ half wine...    Food - Bit surprised that I could not eat much.  As Patrick says, most of people, especially the ones who is "over-weight" = me, eating more than what we need.

Breakfast - Yogurt, very thinly sliced sour dough bread, salad(mixed lettuce, cress), left-over egg mayo as we did not have any egg left...
Snack 1 - bit more of the egg thing, grapes, melon
Lunch - left-over salmon mayo as we did not have any other protein...  mixed salad, tomatoes, onion, whole wheat bread
Snack 2 - Kiwi, Grapes
Dinner - Had yogurt before gym, apple egg white when I got home.
Snack 3 - microwaved chopped okra

60 secs of plank..   HARD!   Pistol squat - seems I have been bending wrong leg ...  much better now.

Day 47 - 16th April (Sat)

Busy day today - one of our best friend is moving back to London, so we have invited them for dinner. i.e. We will have proper food.  Well, I know this is against PCP but we really wanted to have good night with them... To make up the difference, I have skipped lunch and second snack, which might not be ideal but I knew I was going to have large dinner so ...

more than 10 guys were working to finish our house inside / outside so I have done the daily workout in the car park.  It was quite hot so I was really really struggling to do 16 min. skipping.

Dinner went all good except usual "too much food" problem - I have prepared 6 kinds of bite-size starter, very small pieces of pita bread (like 2cm x 2cm) with Hummus - one with chili powder on top, the other one pepper on, Chicken Mayo on celery stick, Salmon Mayo on Romaine Lettuce, Egg Mayo in cucumber cup, Chorizo with Feta cheese stuffed green olive, Prosciutto wrapped melon.  Not the healthiest but not bacon wrapped sausage...   2nd course is burger, main was Porterhouse steak, Pork chop.  Drinks - Champagne, White wine, Red wine.. Dessert - Cheesecake from Mandarin Oriental (they do really good one.  No biscuit bottom, just creamy cheese..)   I had 2-3 pieces of the snack, 1 burger (no cheese), 2 bites of the pork chop, 2 bites of the cheese cake.  Drinks - 3 glasses of Champagne, 2 glasses of White wine...

I was completely full & drunk...

Friday 15 April 2011

Day 46 - 15th April (Fri)

As I could not do all the training, got up 5:30 to finish the leftovers from yesterday...

Breakfast - Milk with espresso at 7:50, Okra omelet and pita bread at 10:20
Snack 1 - Egg white, Strawberry, Kiwi (13:10)
Lunch - Pita sandwich - same as yesterday - getting bored of it... (14:30)

Thursday 14 April 2011

Day 45 - 14th April (Thu)

Feeling pretty tired... Had to drink milk before going to office. So no yogurt for me .....
Usually, I have yogurt at 7:45, then other breakfast at 10:00.   I have already had milk at 6:50 so I am having pita bread now...  (7:45)
Time to have my omelet..  (10:15)

Snack 1 - Strawberry, Pineapple, Egg white
Lunch - Smoked salmon and grilled chicken pita sandwich
Snack 2 - cannot remember what I had...
Dinner - Had to have dinner with client - 1 stick of Yakitori, 2 pcs of grilled chicken with miso, Edamame, grilled mushroom, grilled king prawn - all very small portion but I really can tell how much oil, salt & sugar they use !     Went home and did skipping and some other sets but started feeling very sick.  Thought I am too hungry so had 1 small yogurt and went back to do some more sit-ups..  I had to go to bathroom as I started feeling really sick...   Think my stomach could not digest the oily food...  Unbelievable as I used to love deep fried everything....  Gave up in the middle of lunge & went to bed...

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Day 44 - 13th April (Wed)

I got up in the middle of the night at least twice...  really annoying...

Breakfast - Yogurt, pita bread, omelet
Snack 1 - egg white, strawberry, grapes
Lunch - Grilled chicken breast pita sandwich
Snack 2 - mango
Dinner - usual - Yogurt before gym, apple & egg white after.
Snack 3 - cauliflower, konnyaku

I am impressed - somehow I have managed to do pistol squat!  10 sit-ups killed me on the first day but now I can do more..  Slowly but I see the improvement!

Day 43 - 12th April (Tue)

Breakfast - Yogurt, Toast, Omelet
Snack 1 - pineapple, strawberry
Lunch - Pita bread, smoked salmon, salad
Snack 2 - Mango
Dinner - Yogurt before going to gym, apple, egg after.
Snack 3 - Potato (naughty!) mushroom konnyaku

Plank 4 sets x 50 sec ??? seemed impossible but I have managed to do for the first 3 sets - AMAZING!

Monday 11 April 2011

Day 42 - 11th April (Mon)

Feeling pretty hungry...  I should have had night snack...

Breakfast - Yogurt, Pasta Salad (boiled egg, potato, avocado, tomato, lettuce, onion, brown pasta)りっつSnack 1 - Grapes
Lunch - Another pasta salad (Fillet steak, mixed leaves, tomato, potato, brown pasta)  Really filling...
Snack 2 -

Sunday 10 April 2011

Day 41 - 10th April (Sun)

Very lazy day - it is 4:30pm but I haven't done much except cooking and eating...

Breakfast - scramble egg sandwich, yogurt
Snack 1 - papaya & grapes
Lunch - Again foil wrapped cod (just need to put in oven 10 min or so depending the size of the fish) and asparagus (easy to cook & tasty so one of our favorite veg,)

Done sets & 1450 skips by myself as my husband was sleeping - he is so much skinnier now...   I see everyone saying that they are always tired & sleepy but I am actually feeling fine.  I do not get hungry as long as I eat what I am supposed to eat... 

Snack 2 - Papaya, Grapes
Dinner - usual apple, egg white , Yogurt...
Snack 3 - skipped as we only had lettuce and potato...  Did not feel like having just leaves, potato is bit too heavy as night snack..

Day 40 - 9th April (Sat)

Day 40!
Got up early as Sat morning.  Picture taking before eating!
Breakfast - Chopped Okura Myoga, slightly fried egg (soft yolk) and brown rice - all mixed in a bowl - YUMM!   Finished with yogurt - this one is amazingly good - no wonder why, it has 270 kcal for just 190ml cup! 
Finished meetings with contractors, our house is getting done!  Nearly there..
Gym - this new machine that can be used as stair master or cross country thing is nice.  30 min. of this instead of skipping.   Plank is still killing me.
Snack #1 before going to another meeting - having food with you is great as it si not easy to stick to your food plan when you eat out.
Getting really hungry so wanted to eat out but we went home. Barramundi is waiting for us!
Lunch - Foil wrapped Barramundi with asparagus - foil wrapped fish with veg. is great - you can keep fish quite moist and more than anything, easy to clean! 
Snack 2 - mango
Dinner - usual apple yogurt egg white.

Friday 8 April 2011

Day 39 - 8th April (Fri)

Got up very late - I am having 1 problem since I started PCP.  Bit embarrassed to say but I am getting up in the middle of the night to go to bathroom.  I never had sleeping problem and unless I drink a lot at night, I never used to get up in the middle of the night...    I believe it is lot to do cutting salt & having more higher water content food.

Breakfast - Yogurt, Brown toast, Omelet
Snack 1 - Kiwi grapes
Lunch - smoked salmon salad with pasta
Snack 2 - Mango
Dinner - had yogurt before going to gym.  then apple and boiled egg white at home

Happy Friday but no Champagne for me...

Thursday 7 April 2011

Day 38 - 7th April (Thu)

Breakfast - Yogurt (I do not think this one is low-fat! HK has very limited variety...) Muesli toast (got walnuts in it - cheating but really little..) Omelet 9 spring onion, onion, asparagus, mushroom, chili)
Snack 1  - Raspberry, Grapes
Lunch - Smoked salmon sandwitch
Snack 2 - Papaya

Had part of my dinner before going to gym - Yogurt

Dinner - Apple, Egg white
Snack - Okura & Myoga

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day 37 - 6th April (Wed)

Got up late - think it is because I did harder exercise (like bicycle!) and no yogurt...

I packed lunch as yesterday was HK holiday (so helper is off) - great presentation! - I really think it is important !!

Breakfast - Yogurt, Omelet (Snap pea, Onion, Chili, Mushroom), Pita bread
Snack 1 - Mango
Lunch - Smoked salmon, Lettuce, Tomatoes, cucumber, onion, Brown bread
Snack 2 - Raspberry Green grapes
Dinner - Had to eat out ..  Grilled mushroom salad - I think some oil & salt in it...  Had 1 yogurt only when we got home late.  So skipped apple and egg...
Snack 3 - no snack

Eating out really messes up our food routine...

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Day 36 - 5th April (Tue)

My calves still really hurts from Sat. hiking...   I am officially old!

Breakfast - Yogurt, Veg omelet (cabbage, onion, asparagus, mushroom), brown toast
Snack 1 - Mango
Lunch - Grilled chicken, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber in brown pita bread
Snack 2 - Kiwi, raspberry
Dinner - Got large good Japanese apple!  No Yogurt or milk in the fridge...
Snack 3 - cauliflower, snap pea, tomatoes

Bicycle - YES, they're brutal!

Monday 4 April 2011

Day 35 - 4th April (Mon)

As we are in 2nd month, not easy to remember where we are in 90-day PCP course, so will put dates in the blog...  Anyways,

Breakfast - Egg en cocotte - same as yesterday, very easy, milk with instant coffee - again easy to make and can have it on the way to the office, bread
Snack - Watermelon
Lunch - Smoked & grilled salmon pasta salad (cucumber onion tomatoes)
Snack 2 - watermelon & kiwi
Dinner - apple banana yogurt boiled egg (white only)
Snack 3 - broccoli snap pea

Skipping 1400 times was not so bad...

Day 34


Had Ito-Konnyaku (looks like brown pasta as it has no calorie, I had lots of it...   Think it was not good idea.  It really filled me and I did not feel like having lunch till 4pm!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Day 33

I was looking for Sat. breakfast - was thinking what to eat from yesterday..
chopped okura, myoga that my mum got for me from Japan (had no idea what is called in English but says myoga ginger) also chopped, hot white rice, katsuo-bushi (dried bonito flake) and raw egg - well it has to be fresh Japanese egg, which my mum also got for me but it is 2 weeks old so I tried to make Onsen Tamago (slightly cooked egg) , and Tororo Konbu (dried finely shredded seaweed)  Put all in a bowl and mix!   It was great.  I like to say please try but I know most of Gaijin does not like the texture...

It was very nice day in Hong Kong so we have decided to do hiking instead of skipping today. There is small trail takes up to monastery and further up hill, which is not easy at all as all up hill.  I gave up in the middle but walked 45 min. up hill so my exercise is done!

Had fruits snack before hiking but feeling very hungry after walk.  I had Japanese white rice (my weekend treat) and I have put broccoli, cauliflower, long green beans and snap pea, all pre-boiled, on a plate and put 1 egg in the middle and microwaved for 1 min. - Very nice!   (However, if I am having egg instead of my protein, should not have egg yolk... it was small egg... )

Strawberry & Kiwi for 2nd snack, Dinner is usual apple, banana, yogurt.  I need to think some interesting way to eat apple and banana.

Usual sets after "dinner" - fell asleep so I missed night snack again...

Friday 1 April 2011

Day 32


Breakfast - Getting bored of same thing so asked Grace (our helper) to make Avocado Salsa.  Was OK to me but my husband is not really happy.  Basically needs salt...   had it with plain omelet and Pita bread.  Naughty yogurt today - lots of strawberry jam in it and i think this one is full fat!
Snack - Whoops already lunch time! Forgot to eat...
Lunch - Again naughty one as my colleague was buying lunch for everyone.  Boys were having HUGE burger.  Tempted but I have ordered "Rock Salted Wagyu Beef Skewers" - will remove salt...

Great meat ...  very small amount but it was perfect.  I would not need to have more than what I had.  I think it was about 100g   Salad already had dressing on it, which was annoying. Missing carb but I do not think I need to eat now..

well 5 min later I felt still bit hungry - having dragon fruits and blueberry now...

Thursday 31 March 2011

Day 31

1/3 done!   I am quite happy about food that I have rule now and I can stop myself having bad food.
Exercise wise, I still cannot do proper push-up and pull-up but doing what I can do and think it is definitely better than Day 1.  Weight has not changed at all but my face looks bit smaller!?

Breakfast - Yogurt, Brown bread, Veg. Omelet
Snack - Kiwi fruits, Grapes
Lunch - Smoked salmon & Pasta Salad
Snack - papaya Blueberry
Dinner - banana apple yogurt boiled egg
night snack - skipped as it was getting late....

1300 skipping is getting easier - still I am stopping every 50 skips.
Double katana is soooo hard, I want to cry.   Plank is bit better now...

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 30

bit hungry in the morning as I only had an apple & yogurt for dinner.  (Didn't have banana at home..)

Breakfast - Yogurt, Veg. Omelet, sour dough bread (nice!)
Lunch - Smoked Salmon & pasta salad
Snack - Kiwi fruit, blueberry
Dinner - Apple (Difference between Japanese apple and American one is HUGE! Wonder 1 apple means Japanese one or American one?) Banana / Boiled Egg White, Yogurt
Evening Snack - Mixed veg

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Day 29

Breakfast - Yogurt, Pasta Salad with boiled egg (bit boring)
Snack - Dragon Fruits, Strawberry & Blueberry
Lunch - Mongolian BBQ (basically mixed veg, brown rice, beef all mixed in 1 box - does not look nice.  Really miss Japanese Bento - lots of small food, nice colour in 1 box..   )

New menu....   Great thing is I get to have yogurt for dinner!  Somehow i go to so addicted to yogurt.  I am so happy to get up in the morning as I can have another yogurt.

Exercise - Plank is really hard.  I really cannot do 30 secs and 15 secs rest then another one .. Will do as much as I can but seriously my back hurts..

Monday 28 March 2011

Day 28

New week - still blowing nose every 10 min.!  Got to do 2 sessions tonight ...

Breakfast - Yogurt (Mixed half sweet one & plain one), Veg. omelet (leek, cabbage, pepper), Biscuit (DAR-VITA savory one but seems some veg oil in it, so I guess it is not allowed..  Much better than usual RYEVITA thing)
1st Snack - Mango (one great thing about Hong Kong.  Mango from Philippines are very cheap)
Lunch - Chicken pasta salad
Snack - Dragon Fruits and grapes
Dinner - Beef with mixed veg.

I had to do 2 session - well, was not so bad...

Day 27

I was not feeling well all day - very bad runny nose. Fell asleep around 4pm and got up 9pm ... It was raining and really did not feel like doing any exercise.  I do not fall into bad habit of "skipping skips" but really could not push myself - WEAK !

Day 26

My husband was complaining about PCP life - especially food - so much last night.  He really wanted to have Steak, wine and sweets.  I actually do not have any problem with food, surprisingly...   Well, I guess I am still having low-fat but sweet yogurt in the morning so I do not have particular craving for sweets.  I know I should just have pain one but much better having a cookie.
It is our 6th wedding anniversary and we are allowed to have "indulgence" - and my husband is going mad - so we have decided to go to steakhouse for dinner.

I did not do any exercise on Friday night as my coughing & sneezing gone worse, so I did exercise of Day 25 in the morning and Day 26 before we go out.

Dinner -
1 glass of white wine - Did not really enjoy it.  Why did I like it so much before??  
Fresh mini-baguette with Truffle butter - FANTASTIC! 
1 bottle of red wine between 2 of us - I think I had a glass.  That was enough.
Rib-eye "cap" steak - Extremely expensive Rib-Eye - First piece was great, second was good, third was good but I think I had enough.
Asparagus - May be the best one.  I should buy better quality one to have it at home as well.
Mushroom - very nice with butter....
Potato Gratin - Very nice and I can have some more!
"Cookie Monster" Alaska - It was giant monster. Ice cream and cookie covered in melange

Yes, we have had way over 200-400 kcal indulgence allowance + usual meal.

Do I want to have same meal tomorrow?  No. Was it great meal? Yes, but I didn't need to eat that much and feeling very bad braking rule.
I hope my husband thought the same and his craving has gone now....

Friday 25 March 2011

Day 25

Still got runny nose & cough...

Breakfast - Yogurt, Omelet with onion, Brown bread sandwich with tomato / cucumber / avocado (highly recommended when you think you are not getting enough food!)
Snack - papaya, Pineapple
Lunch - Brown Pasta with veg. and sliced beef
Dinner - Mixed veg with seabass (didn't really enjoy it..   seabass def need salt & olive oil with lots of harbs)

No exercise today... 

Thursday 24 March 2011

Day 24 - feeling bit better today

My cold is bit better today..

Breakfast - Yogurt, Pita bread with salad & boiled egg.
Snack - Pineapple, grapes
Lunch - Mixed Veg. & chicken, brown rice - extremely boring...   Need coriander...
Snack - Grapes, papaya
Dinner -

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 23 - sleepy!

Feeling very sleepy - came home late then did usual exercise.  Went to bed after midnight...  Also got cold...

Breakfast - Yogurt, Omelet with onion, mushroom and chili - Very good.  2 slices of brown bread.
Lunch - Smoked salmon salad
Dinner - Mixed veg. with chicken breast

Wasn't feeling well but still did exercise...

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day 22

Breakfast - Finally found low-fat plain yogurt! Almost half calorie of sweetened ones!   Pita bread with salad & boiled egg
Lunch - Prawns with veg. - helper forgot to pack brown rice so had bagel at coffee shop.  I think it was too much...
Dinner - Last night with family so taking them to nice restaurant & have Peking Duck...   I do not think I can skip it...

Well, so dinner was 1 whole duck for 3 of us - I had may be 6 slices.  Very good but really thought it was oily..   I guess because I haven't had much oil for sometime...  Stair fried veg with garlic would have been my choice but today I ordered "steamed" ones...    No drinking, either...   So proud of myself.

Monday 21 March 2011

Day 20

First time ever since I have started PCP - no exercise... Took my family to Ocean Park & came home late. Walked around few hours so I guess I did equivalent of 900 skips...

Also had 2 McChicken nuggets for lunch as I could not find any PCP friendly food in the park..

Friday 18 March 2011

Day 18

Feeling very tired again!
I think it is because I did not have any protein or fruits snack last night...  Quite important to eat right!

Breakfast - Yogurt, Brown Pita bread with "Japanese " cucumber & tomato - I have asked my mother to bring some fresh veg. and fruits - taste soooooo different & million times better than Chinese vegetable!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Day 17

My joint between shoulder and arm hurts...  

Our helper got new yogurt - is says low fat but looks like some sugar in.  A lot high in calorie...  that is the thing about leaving shopping to someone else... 

Breakfast - Veg stick (celery, carrot)  boiled asparagus  omelet toast yogurt
Snack - Grape Strawberry Blueberry
Lunch  - Pasta Salad (chicken with pepper & chili, lettuce, tomatoes, brown pasta)   Strange but I actually enjoyed having "no salt, no oil, no sauce" pasta...  I guess I am hungry so just happy to eat what I can eat...  I can really taste each ingredients - before I was just tasting dressing or sauce...
Dinner - grilled veggie salad at Starbucks ... Had to go to airport to pick my family up. Didn't use sauce or dressing in the container but still well salted. I know it is not the best but much better than chicken mushroom pie...

Started raining but still did 850 skips... 

Day 16

I was feeling hungry all day - I am sure my colleagues think I am eating all day...

Late night ...

Got my nails done at 8pm went to gym, then finished dinner by myself at 10.  Picked up salad for my poor husband still in the office ...   Went to bed after midnight - first time in last few month!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Day 15

Breakfast - Yogurt, Egg with English muffin, Veg Stick.
Lunch -
Dinner -

Day 14 - Feeling tired..

Went to be early on Sunday night but still feeling tired...
Our helper screwed my food plan so very angry in the morning - now I think it is not that big deal but may be I was pretty cranky as not having enough sugar?

Breakfast - Lovely yogurt, no-olive oil-ratatouille-omelet...   Supposed to be plain omelet ratatouille on the side..

Lunch - Smoked salmon sandwich but no salad

Dinner - Had to go to IKEA to sort out helper's kitchen and got really hungry around 8:30 - had to eat infamous hot dog!  

800 skip was not too bad, so happy that I do not need to do any other exercise today!

Saturday 12 March 2011

Day 12 - I have been lazy....

I have been very lazy, haven't dane day 9-11 Blog!

Saturday today, got up pretty early as Saturday.  8 or so.   I would have thought about Pain au Chocolat and coffee or Ramen noodle if I had few glasses or bottles of wine the night before.  But guess what, I really wanted to have yogurt this morning.

Cleaned fridge - bye bye to the big bottle of soy sauce, salt, cheese & etc...   Gave all to our helper & told her to move all to her fridge in her kitchen.   She asked me "you do not need salt?".   Now I know why my breakfast omelet was very good....  SALT!  I have told her not to put salt but she was using salt...  Anyways, good that I found out early enough.

Breakfast - made by myself but the amount of egg seems so much smaller than last 4 days....  I really think she was using 2 eggs...  

Lunch - had to go for shopping so went to SUBWAY - well, no more Spicy Italian (with salami)    Grilled chicken sandwich with brown bread, no oil, no sauce, no salt.  Sounds quite boring but not so bad.   By the way, can you believe there is more SUBWAY than McDonald's in the world??  I really cannot believe it. Definitely not in Hong Kong where there is McDonald's everywhere.  Let me think how many of them within walking distance from my office... 4!  Not sure about in Tokyo now but in Hong Kong, they can deliver food 24h, just by 1 phone call.  There must be some countries which has more SUBWAY than McDonald's, otherwise it does not make sense. Must be India.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Day 8

PCP food starts today!

I really do not have time to have breakfast at home - so had to pack everything. Seems quite a lot of food for breakfast.

Breakfast : I have prepared  - Brown bread roll sandwich filled with scrambled egg, yogurt, broccoli.   Scrambled egg is extremely boring... No salt, no butter, no full-fat cream!   I really did not feel like eating all at once so I had yogurt before market opens at 8am.  Had the rest around 10:30, as well as the first snack.
Lunch :  I choose smoked salmon as my protein.  Salmon is really oily fish so I do not think it is the best but I really could not think anything else yesterday...  So, smoked salmon sandwich and salad (just leaves...)  I miss blue cheese dressing but just had salad with balsamic vinegar.
Snack : Mango
Dinner : Still thinking what to have...   I have just finished exercise in gym and I guess I am eating dinner here..   Will see what they have...
Had salad With grilled salmon and chicken, tandori salmon with naan. Everything taste so good! Well, that means food was with lots of salt and oil. Really difficult to keep rule and eat out...

Monday 7 March 2011

Day 7

Breakfast : Brown toast with butter, Mango yogurt, coffee
Lunch : Thai red curry with pork - no rice
Dinner : Pizza! Just 1 piece as I cannot have it for 3 month! Some fruits while I was weighing the fruits for tomorrow.

Got mail from Patrick about food & exercise for Week 2 - WOW! I am not sure if I can thick much! Food - actually had no idea until I came home and weigh all the food. 150g of strawberry was really not much, 80g of toast bread seems plenty. I do not like drinking milk so will swap with yogurt. Could not find low-fat plain yogurt so having sweet one for tomorrow..

500 skipping - not easy but I could manage...

Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 6

Sunday... But no Champagne brunch for 3 month!

Exercise of the day 5 in the morning to catch up - was really late last night so I have skipped first time since I have started PCP.

Breakfast : brown toast, salad, banana / strawberry / vanilla ice-cream smoothies

Went out to pick up PC from repair center - I can see burger king's sign! Humm, Sunday special? Called my husband but he didn't think I was serious, which was good. Well, just go home & have salad again, may be...

Snack : Broccoli & Cauliflower mixed with tuna/mayo
Dinner : We could not go out as our IT boys were fixing computer ..  Cooked Japanese rice & made Tuna-roll.   Amazed how much we felt quite full - well, we did eat a lot but really different from "lots of salad"

Day 6 Exercise - lunge is still hard.  Found another cheat - instead of doing left right left right, I did 8 left leg in 1 go - Is that OK? (was much easier so probably not OK...)

Day 5

As I had friends from Tokyo this weekend (excuse, excuse...) so could not do any exercise.

Lunch : Dim sum at Li Garden (IFC) dumplings, fried rice ..  Hong Kong is amazing place - how could this restaurant gets Michelin 1 star???
Dinner : Hutong - definitely could have had more...
Drink : Living room at W - jelly WOW was fantastic. Lots of sugar and alcohol.. Well, 2nd drink was vodka and soda as I am a good girl ;-)

Found nice dress in CLUB MONACO, tried size 8.  Did not fit at all....   Meanwhile my friend bought dress size 00, which is smaller than 0..   That means I am at least 6 size larger than her.  Is that possible?  What happened to me?!  Well, only thing that I can say is many bottles of Champagne and wine, lots of great food really helped me grow my body.

W hotel has pool on 73rd floor of the building -Soooo nice!  In 3 month time, I will have better body so I can come back here!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 2

Meals of the day
Breakfast : Brown Toast x1 (it is "half" of what I usually have) and a cup of Mango Yogurt
Lunch : Salad - penne with pesto sauce / tomato & onion / lettuce & mushroom - sounds healthy but I bet lots of oil & sugar on it as all taste so good! Had all the pasta but left half of other 2 for dinner..
Dinner : leftover lunch and leftover boiled veg from last night...

Bought push-up bars on the way home.

Lunge - really killed me! Not sure if I can walk tomorrow...
Push-up - much easier with this new gadget! But still cannot do properly so still have to put my knees on the floor. I know it is cheating...
Leg-up - again, not easy at all...

Jumprope - got the one with counter but annoyingly it does not work! Have to go back to the shop tomorrow. 250 times was not easy but amazingly felt a lot easier than yesterday. (I was about to die yesterday.) Well, tomorrow will be easier - NOT! Have to do 300 times! Really looking forward to it!!!

Day 1

Not good at "eating half"...

Breakfast : Carrot juice / Fruits Box
Lunch : Macaroni & Cheese looked really nice...but today is the Day1! Instead I bought Mixed Vegetable, I do not think it was steamed but was not so oily..  
Dinner : Miso soup & boiled cauliflower / broccoli / asparagus...  had Nori as snack... so good, cannot believe is has no calorie

Skipping rope really killed me - I was 12 years old last time I did it... I can really feel my weight.