Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 2

Meals of the day
Breakfast : Brown Toast x1 (it is "half" of what I usually have) and a cup of Mango Yogurt
Lunch : Salad - penne with pesto sauce / tomato & onion / lettuce & mushroom - sounds healthy but I bet lots of oil & sugar on it as all taste so good! Had all the pasta but left half of other 2 for dinner..
Dinner : leftover lunch and leftover boiled veg from last night...

Bought push-up bars on the way home.

Lunge - really killed me! Not sure if I can walk tomorrow...
Push-up - much easier with this new gadget! But still cannot do properly so still have to put my knees on the floor. I know it is cheating...
Leg-up - again, not easy at all...

Jumprope - got the one with counter but annoyingly it does not work! Have to go back to the shop tomorrow. 250 times was not easy but amazingly felt a lot easier than yesterday. (I was about to die yesterday.) Well, tomorrow will be easier - NOT! Have to do 300 times! Really looking forward to it!!!


  1. Hello Mimi,
    It's Akiko from Io!
    Nice to meet you.
    It's good to know that the push ups are easier with the gadget...! Thanks for posting. Will try it out tomorrow!
    Yoroshiku onegaishimas!

  2. Hi there. I am in the group a few weeks ahead of you. In the beginning, it is ok to do the pushups with knees down. If you look closely, the picture of Patrick has his knees down. So dont worry. You are doing fine. Good luck with your project.

  3. Thank you George & Akiko-san, Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu :-)
