Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 6

Sunday... But no Champagne brunch for 3 month!

Exercise of the day 5 in the morning to catch up - was really late last night so I have skipped first time since I have started PCP.

Breakfast : brown toast, salad, banana / strawberry / vanilla ice-cream smoothies

Went out to pick up PC from repair center - I can see burger king's sign! Humm, Sunday special? Called my husband but he didn't think I was serious, which was good. Well, just go home & have salad again, may be...

Snack : Broccoli & Cauliflower mixed with tuna/mayo
Dinner : We could not go out as our IT boys were fixing computer ..  Cooked Japanese rice & made Tuna-roll.   Amazed how much we felt quite full - well, we did eat a lot but really different from "lots of salad"

Day 6 Exercise - lunge is still hard.  Found another cheat - instead of doing left right left right, I did 8 left leg in 1 go - Is that OK? (was much easier so probably not OK...)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done - sounds like you are feeling out the balance.

    I thought having a brunch at my place would give me control, but I hadn't banked on my friends showing up with champagne and OJ.

  3. Trading champagne brunch for vegetable breakfast... you're going to feel so different!
