Monday 18 April 2011

Day 49 - 18th April (Mon)

New day, New week.

We have used up the "Indulgence" on Sat. so I have nothing to look forward except me getting in better shape.  How was my "Indulgence" ? - well, first and second glasses of Champagne was absolutely nice. 3rd & 4th - could have been just water or half soda/ half wine...    Food - Bit surprised that I could not eat much.  As Patrick says, most of people, especially the ones who is "over-weight" = me, eating more than what we need.

Breakfast - Yogurt, very thinly sliced sour dough bread, salad(mixed lettuce, cress), left-over egg mayo as we did not have any egg left...
Snack 1 - bit more of the egg thing, grapes, melon
Lunch - left-over salmon mayo as we did not have any other protein...  mixed salad, tomatoes, onion, whole wheat bread
Snack 2 - Kiwi, Grapes
Dinner - Had yogurt before gym, apple egg white when I got home.
Snack 3 - microwaved chopped okra

60 secs of plank..   HARD!   Pistol squat - seems I have been bending wrong leg ...  much better now.

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