Thursday 31 March 2011

Day 31

1/3 done!   I am quite happy about food that I have rule now and I can stop myself having bad food.
Exercise wise, I still cannot do proper push-up and pull-up but doing what I can do and think it is definitely better than Day 1.  Weight has not changed at all but my face looks bit smaller!?

Breakfast - Yogurt, Brown bread, Veg. Omelet
Snack - Kiwi fruits, Grapes
Lunch - Smoked salmon & Pasta Salad
Snack - papaya Blueberry
Dinner - banana apple yogurt boiled egg
night snack - skipped as it was getting late....

1300 skipping is getting easier - still I am stopping every 50 skips.
Double katana is soooo hard, I want to cry.   Plank is bit better now...

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 30

bit hungry in the morning as I only had an apple & yogurt for dinner.  (Didn't have banana at home..)

Breakfast - Yogurt, Veg. Omelet, sour dough bread (nice!)
Lunch - Smoked Salmon & pasta salad
Snack - Kiwi fruit, blueberry
Dinner - Apple (Difference between Japanese apple and American one is HUGE! Wonder 1 apple means Japanese one or American one?) Banana / Boiled Egg White, Yogurt
Evening Snack - Mixed veg

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Day 29

Breakfast - Yogurt, Pasta Salad with boiled egg (bit boring)
Snack - Dragon Fruits, Strawberry & Blueberry
Lunch - Mongolian BBQ (basically mixed veg, brown rice, beef all mixed in 1 box - does not look nice.  Really miss Japanese Bento - lots of small food, nice colour in 1 box..   )

New menu....   Great thing is I get to have yogurt for dinner!  Somehow i go to so addicted to yogurt.  I am so happy to get up in the morning as I can have another yogurt.

Exercise - Plank is really hard.  I really cannot do 30 secs and 15 secs rest then another one .. Will do as much as I can but seriously my back hurts..

Monday 28 March 2011

Day 28

New week - still blowing nose every 10 min.!  Got to do 2 sessions tonight ...

Breakfast - Yogurt (Mixed half sweet one & plain one), Veg. omelet (leek, cabbage, pepper), Biscuit (DAR-VITA savory one but seems some veg oil in it, so I guess it is not allowed..  Much better than usual RYEVITA thing)
1st Snack - Mango (one great thing about Hong Kong.  Mango from Philippines are very cheap)
Lunch - Chicken pasta salad
Snack - Dragon Fruits and grapes
Dinner - Beef with mixed veg.

I had to do 2 session - well, was not so bad...

Day 27

I was not feeling well all day - very bad runny nose. Fell asleep around 4pm and got up 9pm ... It was raining and really did not feel like doing any exercise.  I do not fall into bad habit of "skipping skips" but really could not push myself - WEAK !

Day 26

My husband was complaining about PCP life - especially food - so much last night.  He really wanted to have Steak, wine and sweets.  I actually do not have any problem with food, surprisingly...   Well, I guess I am still having low-fat but sweet yogurt in the morning so I do not have particular craving for sweets.  I know I should just have pain one but much better having a cookie.
It is our 6th wedding anniversary and we are allowed to have "indulgence" - and my husband is going mad - so we have decided to go to steakhouse for dinner.

I did not do any exercise on Friday night as my coughing & sneezing gone worse, so I did exercise of Day 25 in the morning and Day 26 before we go out.

Dinner -
1 glass of white wine - Did not really enjoy it.  Why did I like it so much before??  
Fresh mini-baguette with Truffle butter - FANTASTIC! 
1 bottle of red wine between 2 of us - I think I had a glass.  That was enough.
Rib-eye "cap" steak - Extremely expensive Rib-Eye - First piece was great, second was good, third was good but I think I had enough.
Asparagus - May be the best one.  I should buy better quality one to have it at home as well.
Mushroom - very nice with butter....
Potato Gratin - Very nice and I can have some more!
"Cookie Monster" Alaska - It was giant monster. Ice cream and cookie covered in melange

Yes, we have had way over 200-400 kcal indulgence allowance + usual meal.

Do I want to have same meal tomorrow?  No. Was it great meal? Yes, but I didn't need to eat that much and feeling very bad braking rule.
I hope my husband thought the same and his craving has gone now....

Friday 25 March 2011

Day 25

Still got runny nose & cough...

Breakfast - Yogurt, Omelet with onion, Brown bread sandwich with tomato / cucumber / avocado (highly recommended when you think you are not getting enough food!)
Snack - papaya, Pineapple
Lunch - Brown Pasta with veg. and sliced beef
Dinner - Mixed veg with seabass (didn't really enjoy it..   seabass def need salt & olive oil with lots of harbs)

No exercise today... 

Thursday 24 March 2011

Day 24 - feeling bit better today

My cold is bit better today..

Breakfast - Yogurt, Pita bread with salad & boiled egg.
Snack - Pineapple, grapes
Lunch - Mixed Veg. & chicken, brown rice - extremely boring...   Need coriander...
Snack - Grapes, papaya
Dinner -

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 23 - sleepy!

Feeling very sleepy - came home late then did usual exercise.  Went to bed after midnight...  Also got cold...

Breakfast - Yogurt, Omelet with onion, mushroom and chili - Very good.  2 slices of brown bread.
Lunch - Smoked salmon salad
Dinner - Mixed veg. with chicken breast

Wasn't feeling well but still did exercise...

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Day 22

Breakfast - Finally found low-fat plain yogurt! Almost half calorie of sweetened ones!   Pita bread with salad & boiled egg
Lunch - Prawns with veg. - helper forgot to pack brown rice so had bagel at coffee shop.  I think it was too much...
Dinner - Last night with family so taking them to nice restaurant & have Peking Duck...   I do not think I can skip it...

Well, so dinner was 1 whole duck for 3 of us - I had may be 6 slices.  Very good but really thought it was oily..   I guess because I haven't had much oil for sometime...  Stair fried veg with garlic would have been my choice but today I ordered "steamed" ones...    No drinking, either...   So proud of myself.

Monday 21 March 2011

Day 20

First time ever since I have started PCP - no exercise... Took my family to Ocean Park & came home late. Walked around few hours so I guess I did equivalent of 900 skips...

Also had 2 McChicken nuggets for lunch as I could not find any PCP friendly food in the park..

Friday 18 March 2011

Day 18

Feeling very tired again!
I think it is because I did not have any protein or fruits snack last night...  Quite important to eat right!

Breakfast - Yogurt, Brown Pita bread with "Japanese " cucumber & tomato - I have asked my mother to bring some fresh veg. and fruits - taste soooooo different & million times better than Chinese vegetable!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Day 17

My joint between shoulder and arm hurts...  

Our helper got new yogurt - is says low fat but looks like some sugar in.  A lot high in calorie...  that is the thing about leaving shopping to someone else... 

Breakfast - Veg stick (celery, carrot)  boiled asparagus  omelet toast yogurt
Snack - Grape Strawberry Blueberry
Lunch  - Pasta Salad (chicken with pepper & chili, lettuce, tomatoes, brown pasta)   Strange but I actually enjoyed having "no salt, no oil, no sauce" pasta...  I guess I am hungry so just happy to eat what I can eat...  I can really taste each ingredients - before I was just tasting dressing or sauce...
Dinner - grilled veggie salad at Starbucks ... Had to go to airport to pick my family up. Didn't use sauce or dressing in the container but still well salted. I know it is not the best but much better than chicken mushroom pie...

Started raining but still did 850 skips... 

Day 16

I was feeling hungry all day - I am sure my colleagues think I am eating all day...

Late night ...

Got my nails done at 8pm went to gym, then finished dinner by myself at 10.  Picked up salad for my poor husband still in the office ...   Went to bed after midnight - first time in last few month!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Day 15

Breakfast - Yogurt, Egg with English muffin, Veg Stick.
Lunch -
Dinner -

Day 14 - Feeling tired..

Went to be early on Sunday night but still feeling tired...
Our helper screwed my food plan so very angry in the morning - now I think it is not that big deal but may be I was pretty cranky as not having enough sugar?

Breakfast - Lovely yogurt, no-olive oil-ratatouille-omelet...   Supposed to be plain omelet ratatouille on the side..

Lunch - Smoked salmon sandwich but no salad

Dinner - Had to go to IKEA to sort out helper's kitchen and got really hungry around 8:30 - had to eat infamous hot dog!  

800 skip was not too bad, so happy that I do not need to do any other exercise today!

Saturday 12 March 2011

Day 12 - I have been lazy....

I have been very lazy, haven't dane day 9-11 Blog!

Saturday today, got up pretty early as Saturday.  8 or so.   I would have thought about Pain au Chocolat and coffee or Ramen noodle if I had few glasses or bottles of wine the night before.  But guess what, I really wanted to have yogurt this morning.

Cleaned fridge - bye bye to the big bottle of soy sauce, salt, cheese & etc...   Gave all to our helper & told her to move all to her fridge in her kitchen.   She asked me "you do not need salt?".   Now I know why my breakfast omelet was very good....  SALT!  I have told her not to put salt but she was using salt...  Anyways, good that I found out early enough.

Breakfast - made by myself but the amount of egg seems so much smaller than last 4 days....  I really think she was using 2 eggs...  

Lunch - had to go for shopping so went to SUBWAY - well, no more Spicy Italian (with salami)    Grilled chicken sandwich with brown bread, no oil, no sauce, no salt.  Sounds quite boring but not so bad.   By the way, can you believe there is more SUBWAY than McDonald's in the world??  I really cannot believe it. Definitely not in Hong Kong where there is McDonald's everywhere.  Let me think how many of them within walking distance from my office... 4!  Not sure about in Tokyo now but in Hong Kong, they can deliver food 24h, just by 1 phone call.  There must be some countries which has more SUBWAY than McDonald's, otherwise it does not make sense. Must be India.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Day 8

PCP food starts today!

I really do not have time to have breakfast at home - so had to pack everything. Seems quite a lot of food for breakfast.

Breakfast : I have prepared  - Brown bread roll sandwich filled with scrambled egg, yogurt, broccoli.   Scrambled egg is extremely boring... No salt, no butter, no full-fat cream!   I really did not feel like eating all at once so I had yogurt before market opens at 8am.  Had the rest around 10:30, as well as the first snack.
Lunch :  I choose smoked salmon as my protein.  Salmon is really oily fish so I do not think it is the best but I really could not think anything else yesterday...  So, smoked salmon sandwich and salad (just leaves...)  I miss blue cheese dressing but just had salad with balsamic vinegar.
Snack : Mango
Dinner : Still thinking what to have...   I have just finished exercise in gym and I guess I am eating dinner here..   Will see what they have...
Had salad With grilled salmon and chicken, tandori salmon with naan. Everything taste so good! Well, that means food was with lots of salt and oil. Really difficult to keep rule and eat out...

Monday 7 March 2011

Day 7

Breakfast : Brown toast with butter, Mango yogurt, coffee
Lunch : Thai red curry with pork - no rice
Dinner : Pizza! Just 1 piece as I cannot have it for 3 month! Some fruits while I was weighing the fruits for tomorrow.

Got mail from Patrick about food & exercise for Week 2 - WOW! I am not sure if I can thick much! Food - actually had no idea until I came home and weigh all the food. 150g of strawberry was really not much, 80g of toast bread seems plenty. I do not like drinking milk so will swap with yogurt. Could not find low-fat plain yogurt so having sweet one for tomorrow..

500 skipping - not easy but I could manage...

Sunday 6 March 2011

Day 6

Sunday... But no Champagne brunch for 3 month!

Exercise of the day 5 in the morning to catch up - was really late last night so I have skipped first time since I have started PCP.

Breakfast : brown toast, salad, banana / strawberry / vanilla ice-cream smoothies

Went out to pick up PC from repair center - I can see burger king's sign! Humm, Sunday special? Called my husband but he didn't think I was serious, which was good. Well, just go home & have salad again, may be...

Snack : Broccoli & Cauliflower mixed with tuna/mayo
Dinner : We could not go out as our IT boys were fixing computer ..  Cooked Japanese rice & made Tuna-roll.   Amazed how much we felt quite full - well, we did eat a lot but really different from "lots of salad"

Day 6 Exercise - lunge is still hard.  Found another cheat - instead of doing left right left right, I did 8 left leg in 1 go - Is that OK? (was much easier so probably not OK...)

Day 5

As I had friends from Tokyo this weekend (excuse, excuse...) so could not do any exercise.

Lunch : Dim sum at Li Garden (IFC) dumplings, fried rice ..  Hong Kong is amazing place - how could this restaurant gets Michelin 1 star???
Dinner : Hutong - definitely could have had more...
Drink : Living room at W - jelly WOW was fantastic. Lots of sugar and alcohol.. Well, 2nd drink was vodka and soda as I am a good girl ;-)

Found nice dress in CLUB MONACO, tried size 8.  Did not fit at all....   Meanwhile my friend bought dress size 00, which is smaller than 0..   That means I am at least 6 size larger than her.  Is that possible?  What happened to me?!  Well, only thing that I can say is many bottles of Champagne and wine, lots of great food really helped me grow my body.

W hotel has pool on 73rd floor of the building -Soooo nice!  In 3 month time, I will have better body so I can come back here!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Day 2

Meals of the day
Breakfast : Brown Toast x1 (it is "half" of what I usually have) and a cup of Mango Yogurt
Lunch : Salad - penne with pesto sauce / tomato & onion / lettuce & mushroom - sounds healthy but I bet lots of oil & sugar on it as all taste so good! Had all the pasta but left half of other 2 for dinner..
Dinner : leftover lunch and leftover boiled veg from last night...

Bought push-up bars on the way home.

Lunge - really killed me! Not sure if I can walk tomorrow...
Push-up - much easier with this new gadget! But still cannot do properly so still have to put my knees on the floor. I know it is cheating...
Leg-up - again, not easy at all...

Jumprope - got the one with counter but annoyingly it does not work! Have to go back to the shop tomorrow. 250 times was not easy but amazingly felt a lot easier than yesterday. (I was about to die yesterday.) Well, tomorrow will be easier - NOT! Have to do 300 times! Really looking forward to it!!!

Day 1

Not good at "eating half"...

Breakfast : Carrot juice / Fruits Box
Lunch : Macaroni & Cheese looked really nice...but today is the Day1! Instead I bought Mixed Vegetable, I do not think it was steamed but was not so oily..  
Dinner : Miso soup & boiled cauliflower / broccoli / asparagus...  had Nori as snack... so good, cannot believe is has no calorie

Skipping rope really killed me - I was 12 years old last time I did it... I can really feel my weight.