Friday 27 May 2011

Day 87 - 26th May (Thu)

Food - as I eat lots of veg. for lunch, sometimes I cannot eat my bread (will eat around 6 pm though)

Davinci never be that tough one for me but the super-set was really tough - especially after floor jumps!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Day 86 - 25th May (Wed)

"Failure"for Plank does not work for me as after 30 secs I think I cannot do any more ...  Patrick is expecting us to do more than 1min 45 secs, I believe. 1st one I did 1 min 30 secs but the rest is a lot shorter..   I felt bad so did 7 sets but still not enough...  I am such a "Failure"

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Day 85 - 24th May (Tue)

I was planning to do skipping in the morning so set alarm at 5:30 am - well, could not make it...

Monday 23 May 2011

Day 84 - 23rd May (Mon)

Someone left huge tray of brownie in the kitchen (office) and left note saying "Help yourself!"
Needed to see "Help yourself ! (Except Mimi!)"   Had half teaspoon size and I could not believe how good it was!   I still haven't had indulgence...  But I do not want to as I did not do any exercise yesterday & I haven't lost enough weight...

30 min on the StairMaster but I think my heart rate is not high enough - did 21 min.of skipping when I got home...

Day 83 - 22nd May (Sun)

Bad weather again...  

I really hate weekends as I get very lazy...   Ended up not doing any exercise...
I only have 1 week to go, I do not have time not to do any exercise!

Day 82 - 21st May (Sat)

Busy day again - problem with electricity & workers came, had to fix transformer in the planter so had to ask for help of gardener - 5-6 people working in the house...

Was waiting for them to finish all to do exercise - then started raining....  

Did sets but no skipping....

Friday 20 May 2011

Day 81 - 20th May (Fri)

TGIF - really want to go home straight...

Lunch was really good - egg plant & bell pepper  pasta + grilled salmon...    Really filling.  I guess I am now having 100g of carb. so may be that is why.   I was so full after having veg and fish yesterday and left my bread for later (had it around 6 pm though)    Like what Patrick said in the video, we do not need that much grain...

Pretty crappy week work wise so I need something to make me happy... 

Thursday 19 May 2011

Day 80 - 19th May (Thu)

Wow - Day 80!   I should be happy but to be honest, it is a bit mixed feeling... 
1.Can I lose bit more weight in 10 days? - I want good result as I have spent 80 days dieting!
2. What is going to happen after PCP - Will I be lazy and get fatter again? - too many temptation in the real world...

My back hurts from all the exercise..  

Day 79 - 18th May (Wed)

Added lots of Indian spices in my omelet - very good!  Who needs salt?

I still cannot do Plank - my abs are fine but my arms & back cannot take 90 secs..

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Day 78 - 17th May (Tue)

New food menu - it is strange that I had no problem eating 500g of carb for a day & lots of deep fried food but now I see my menu & thinks it is too much!

Breakfast:Carbs-60g  Veg-130g  Protein-1egg  200ml milk
Morning  snack:150g fruit  1egg  white
Lunch:Carbs-100g  Veg-AMAYW  Protein-100g
Afternoon tea:130ml yogurt
Dinner:Carbs-0  Veg-AMAYW  Protein-100g
Evening  snack:150g fruit  200ml milk
After  workout:1egg  white  120ml yogurt

Well, I am getting more food as Patrick is expecting me to do harder exercise. But reality is I still cannot do  pull-ups at all, cannot do proper push-ups, and struggling with bicycle and planks and and...

50 min. on the StairMaster so by the time we wen to bed it was nearly midnight - it is really late for us...

Monday 16 May 2011

Day 77 - 16th May (Mon)

Didn't do any sets yesterday - so have to do it today.  It actually fits better for me as weekday is "work day & work-out day"  Also so much temptation at home - books / TV etc....

Somehow I spent too much time in the gym - checked in at 19:30 and out 21:20 - and i haven't even taken shower...   Was on the StairMaster for 35 min so basically I have spent over 1h to do sets...   Really have to focus & get things done quickly.

Another bad thing was it was so late so we have decided to eat in the club.  I have ordered grilled sardine,, my husband ordered chicken.Thinking not enough veg. so ordered 1 salad as well between 2 of us - side veg. of  my fish was covered with oil & salt, Chicken came with mashed potato.  And really not easy to leave food behind as I am a pig...  Ended up finishing all, really full & feeling guilty !  Well, did not have after-workout-snack (yogurt) and of course no night snack after dinner, still I know it was much more than I should / could have....

Day 76 - 15th May (Sun)

Feeling so tired - may be because of 2 sets of skipping that I did yesterday.  Could not get out of the bed before noon...   Such a waste...  So late breakfast, late lunch, late dinner - half day & no exercise but still full meal...   not good!

Did 21 min. of skipping in the end as I know it would be really tough to catch up tomorrow....

My weight has not changed at all - well, I could back into some of "more recent" clothes but still not the ones from 5-6 years ago...   Long way to go but I put this weight over 6 years, it won't go in 2.5 month.  I have to accept that...

Day 75 - 14th May (Sat)

Day 74 - 13th May (Fri)

Thursday 12 May 2011

Day 73 - 12th May (Thu)

feeling hungry all day - well, I have to eat every 1-2 hour anyway so it is not really problem but before I had to force my self to eat snacks...

May be I should have meat instead of fish as lunch..

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 72 - 11th May (Wed)

Bit hungry in the morning so had milk on the way to the office.  It is 7:45 am and already tarted eating my today's carb - brown rice cakes.  It is dry so it has 70 kcal per 20g piece - that is 210 kcal!  Regular 60g of  cooked brown rice should not have that much.  May be I should not eat all...     that is what I thought but at 9:30, I have finished all... quite full.
Omelet with Okra - I really love okra.  Hope it hasn't too much calorie.  (10:00)
Snack 1 - Grapes & strawberry (avoiding mango these days as it has higher calorie) (11:00)
Lunch - Egg white as my protein as we did not have enough cooked one and could not be bothered to cook last night...   chopped veg (asparagus, mushroom, tomatoes, bell pepper) sauce with pasta. (14:00)

Somehow feeling hungry all day today...

Snack 2 - 190ml cup of yogurt & could not just have 130ml...  will reduce milk from my night snack.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Day 71 - 10th May (Tue)

Been very lazy - no blog for a week...   Was going to update yesterday but somehow I could put title but could not post anything... 

Breakfast - asparagus / mushroom omelet, pita bread, yogurt
Snack - grapes, strawberry, egg white
Lunch - pasta & meat sauce
snack 2 - Yogurt
After work out - yogurt
Dinner - bit cheating but we have moved to new menu from dinner. Cod fillet & green beans, okra, mushroom
Night snack - yogurt (could not eat fruits..)

I could not finish lunch carb yesterday but no problem today.  80g of cooked pasta and 80g of dry rye crispbread is prob different in terms of actual carb weight....

Pistol squats - think my knees are complaining after 20 min skipping yesterday.  Did regular squat instead.
Davinci - Failure ...   I am not good at this "Failure" thing.  As i think after 5 times  "Ah, I cannot do any more"...   Well, total 110 times and that is it.

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 70 - 9th May (Mon)

I think my stomach is getting smaller..  I cannot eat all the food that I am supposed to eat.  I was very full after having veg and salmon for lunch so skipped carb.   (was getting bit hungry after 6 pm so had some of the biscuit on the way home)  Did not have anything as evening snack either..

Day 69 - 8th May (Sun)

It was very nice day in Hong Kong but stayed at home.

Skipping in the heat is so difficult - I had to stop after doing 7 min. & jumped in the pool...   Did 10 min more in the afternoon when it got bit cooler.

Day 68 - 7th May (Sat)

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 64 - 3rd May (Tue)

New food menu...  I got my dinner back but I am still not reached my goal - to be back where I was 6 years ago...  My "fat days" jeans is loose but I still cannot be back in my "slim days" dress collection... As my husband is still on Egg White dinner, may be I only have egg white as my dinner protein.  Also, I have to work out harder...

Breakfast - Yogurt (mixing sweet non-fat yogurt with low fat plain one) bread (1 slice of sour dough and 2 slices of brown bread)  Don't really feel like eating anything else now...  will have egg and veg later when my husband gets up.  (08:15)  Scrambled egg & eggplant + zucchini around 10 am
Snack - grapes & strawberry + egg white
 Lunch - meat sauce with brown rice - minced beef has been cooked separately so that I can weigh & discard any fat.  chopped mushroom, onion, parsley, basil all fried then add tin tomatoes.  Brown rice is so dry so add in the sauce. 
Snack 2 - yogurt before going to gym.

Workout - As I skipped the sets on Sunday, did some in the morning then finished with today's sets in the gym.  StairMaster for 30 min. instead of skipping.

New menu - I get to have lots of milk & yogurt  AND got my protein back for dinner!  My husband can have egg white only so may be I will have egg white as my protein for the dinner as well. (When I eat with him only!)

Monday 2 May 2011

Day 63 - 2nd May (Mon)

Working today but very quiet as May Day everywhere and in between holidays in Japan...

Didn't have yogurt in the fridge - so having coffee with milk - more milk than coffee so Latte...
Snack - Kiwi & grapes  + egg white
Lunch - went out as my husband is taking a week off.  Not easy to follow PCP diet when you eat out...   Choose Thai restaurant and had papaya salad - no meat, no carb but I am sure lots of sugar in it...
Snack 2 - Iced Latte
Dinner - Apple.     Really did not feel like having yogurt or milk - really wanted to have carb (as I skipped at lunch time, I believe..  ) Very bad but had 70g of bread.

\Got very lazy and did not do sets... Still thought I really have to do cardio.  Skipping 16 min was surprisingly easy - I think I am used to it and 2h hike in the sun made me strong!

Holiday for 3 days so I can do 2 sets tomorrow...  

Day 62 - 1st May (Sun)

Feeling very tired after the hiking yesterday...

We planned to go to Lamma island and go to seafood restaurant then hike to the other side of the island to take ferry (well, it is small island so 1.5h walk max)
Had small(ish) breakfast, no snack then lunch ... 
Lunch- Well, all seafood but surely using salt & oil. 
no snacks today as we had larger lunch.
Dinner - usual apple & yogurt but no egg (think we had enough protein at lunch)

Will do sets tomorrow....

Day 61 - 30th April (Sat)

Plan for the day - Breakfast at Inter-continental hotel as it has good view, Hiking so that we can do cardio exercise and can show view from the hill, Dinner - got to take guest to at least 1 Chinese restaurant...

Good breakfast - hard to stay away from beautiful looking pastries, Golden brown hash browns...  World is full of temptation.  I had 2 very small piece of brown bread, had 2 eggs as they had Japanese breakfast section - could not choose 1 from "Chawan-mushi" or "Onsen Tamago" so I had both (I am allowed to have only 1 egg for breakfast) so I skipped yogurt. No juice, just coffee for me...  

I really think skinny people naturally choose healthy food.  Brother was having English muffin - WHY ?  They had Almond croissants, Donuts, American chocolate muffins, Pain au chocolat and and and - Lots of great stuff! but still he chose English muffin...

Hiking for 2 hours - was not sunny day but pretty hard!
then gym to do the sets - leaving brother in the bar ...

No snack as we are having large dinner...

Day 60 - 29th April (Fri)

Holiday today!

Got up relatively early ...
Gym - tried to do all the sets quickly - very hard!
Brother in-law will be in Hong Kong tonight so we will have bit naughty food for 2 days...